Getting people started in the software industry.

Software is an amazing industry to work in.  The work is engaging, offices are inspiring and the compensation is great... if you get in.  That's where the Professional Alliance for Tech Hires (PATH) works to fill in the blanks.

The Gap

Job Requirements vs. People Experience

There is a mismatch in the software industry between the number of jobs available and the number of people qualified to complete the work.  This is due to two primary causes:

  1. Job growth in the software industry
  2. Poor talent pipeline management in the industry.

The graph to the right highlights this mismatch graphically: we have many people who would like jobs at the start of their career, while the industry has a deficit of people with many years of experience.

The Solution

PATH focuses on providing working models for employment of people in the first part of their programming career: years 0 to 2, where the number of people significantly outnumber the available jobs.  Once people make it through their first two years, most readily find employment at all kind of companies.

Learn more about how the program works


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